Carbon and Energy Management Trainings
ISO 14064-1 Guide and Specifications Standard Training on Calculating and Reporting Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals at the Organization Level
ISO 14064-2 Specification Standard Training with project-level guidance for quantifying, monitoring and reporting greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal improvements
ISO 14046 Environmental management - Water footprint - Principles, requirements and guidelines Standard Training
ISO 14067 Greenhouse gases - Carbon footprint of products - Quantification conditions and rules standard Training
ISO 14040 Greenhouse gases - Carbon footprint of products - Quantification conditions and rules Training
O&R Communiqué: Greenhouse Gas Monitoring and Reporting Studies Training
Climate Change and Carbon Management Training
ISO 50001 Energy Management System Information and Application Training
Lifelong Assessment (LCA) Training in Environmental Management
Environmental Legislation and Waste Management Training
Energy Legislation Training
Training on integration of Carbon Management System applications into Quality and Environmental Management Systems (Mandatory integration into Sustainable Raw Material-Energy use-Purchasing-R&D-Production-Logistics applications)
Environmental Label and Declarations Trainings
ISO 14024 Environmental Labels and Declarations-Type 1 Environmental Labeling
ISO 14021 Environmental Labels and Declarations-Type 2 Environmental Labeling
ISO 14025 Environmental Labels and Declarations-Type 3 Environmental Declarations