Carbonhints Greenhouse Gas and Climate Management Consultancy

Life Cycle Assessment and Environmental Performance Analysis

Carbonhints provides consultancy to determine whether your facility is subject to mandatory reporting for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in accordance with the Regulation on the Monitoring of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, the Communiqué on the Monitoring and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Communiqué on the Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reports and the Accreditation of Verifying Bodies.

A road map is developed for the IR (monitoring and reporting) system for businesses subject to mandatory reporting, and emission points, emission sources and source flows are determined. A facility-specific Monitoring Plan is prepared in accordance with the studies carried out and the relevant legislation, and when necessary, the Monitoring Plan is updated by making changes or improvements. An annual Emission Report is prepared and presented in accordance with the Monitoring Plan prepared every year.

What Do We Do?

Preparation of Monitoring Plan

A facility-specific Monitoring Plan is created in accordance with the legislation and sent to the Ministry for approval through the integrated environmental system.

Approval of the Monitoring Plan by the Ministry

Based on the notifications made by the Ministry, necessary corrections are made and the monitoring plan is submitted again for the approval of the Ministry. The Monitoring Plan is checked again and approved by the Ministry.

Monitoring Plan Update / Revise
The Monitoring Plan is revised in the following cases:

a) Adding new activities
b) The Ministry requests the enterprise to change its monitoring plan.
c) Changes in the facility category.
d) There are changes regarding the establishment's evaluation as a low-emission facility.
e) Changes in emission sources.
f) Changes in the methods used to calculate emissions.
g) There is a change in the applied level.
h) Addition of major and minor resource flows.
i) Change in the existing classification of major, minor or insignificant resource flows.
j) Use of new methods that have a direct impact on emission data or changes in methods for sampling, analysis, calibration.

Making Annual Emission Calculations for Resource Flows

Activity data for each resource flow defined in the Monitoring Plan is obtained from the business. Calculation factors are determined using the IR Communiqué, National Inventory (NIR) or analysis method in accordance with the selected stage. Source streams emission calculations are made.

Preparation of Emission Report

In line with the calculations made through the integrated environmental system, the emission report is filled in and sent to the verifier organization for verification. The verified emission report is sent to the Ministry through the integrated environmental system.